Washington Foreclosure Prevention Resource Guide.
Rob McKenna
Greetings Washington Homeowner,
The national foreclosure crisis continues to have a devastating effect on communities across Washington, with thousands of families in our state facing the possibility of losing their homes. As the Attorney General of Washington, I am very concerned that many homeowners are not receiving the help they need for navigating this complex process, or even fully understand their options when facing potential foreclosure.
That’s why I am very pleased to introduce this Washington Foreclosure Prevention Resource Guide, which is designed to provide practical tools, information and resources to help homeowners dealing with foreclosure issues. This guide was created by the Seattle-King County Asset Building Collaborative Foreclosure Prevention Action Team to provide homeowners statewide with a one-stop resource for consistent and uniform information.
It is our hope that this guide will help you prepare to work effectively with your lender by providing a comprehensive view of your options, community resources, information about the foreclosure process in Washington state, how to obtain a reputable housing counselor and how to avoid foreclosure rescue scams. Most importantly, we hope this guide helps give you the confidence to seek assistance as soon as possible.
Inside this guide you will find a range of resources and information to help you better understand mortgage delinquency issues and loan terminology, assess your financial situation and determine the most appropriate course of action for your situation.
Foreclosures continue to rise across the nation and, particularly here in our state, more homeowners than ever before are facing the fear and uncertainty of potentially losing their homes. We urge all homeowners who find themselves in this difficult and complex situation to use this guide for information and guidance as you prepare to take action. I believe you will find it very useful in tackling mortgage delinquency issues and making informed decisions about your home and your future.
Washington State Attorney General
Dear Washington State Homeowners,
The Washington State Department of Financial Institutions understands how important it is for you to get accurate information and access to resources and assistance as you work to keep your home.
As a state regulatory agency, we know too well the number of fraudulent companies and individuals who prey on Washington homeowners, particularly those in desperate situations trying to avoid losing their homes.
We hope this resource guide will help provide the tools and assistance you need to help you take the necessary steps to keep your home or minimize the financial and emotional impact if you must, indeed, surrender your home. As you use this guide through the many steps needed to avoid foreclosure, we urge you to make sure the people and organizations you work with are licensed professionals working to help you, not take advantage of you. Verify a license by visiting www.dfi.wa.gov, click on “Verify A License” and enter the applicable information. If there’s no licensing information available, call DFI immediately.
Washington State has many HUD-approved counseling agencies working to help homeowners understand the many local, county, state and federal programs available. Find a counselor near you at www.homeownership.wa.gov. These counselors also are working to help you avoid becoming a victim of fraud as you work through these difficult times.
If you feel you have been a victim of discriminatory or fraudulent mortgage, loan modification or foreclosure relief practices – please contact the WA DFI immediately at 1-877-RING-DFI (764-4334) or www.dfi.wa.gov to file a complaint. Our investigative teams are here to put an end to the fraudulent practices victimizing Washington residents.
Additionally, members of the Washington Bar Association are volunteering their time and expertise to assist homeowners discriminated against or victimized by fraud as part of the Washington Home Foreclosure Legal Aid Project. Call 1-877-894-HOME (4663) or visit www.mywsba.org and click on the Washington Homeowner Foreclosure Legal Aid Project link.
We sincerely hope the resources in this guide will help you avoid becoming a victim of fraud as you work to keep your home.
Scott Jarvis, Director
Washington State Department of Financial Institutions
Washington Home Ownership Resource Center. A non-profit organization offers Foreclosure and Loss Mitigation counselers. 1-877-894-4663.